Case Study
Lessoons is a platform connecting students with private tutors. It's available in Hebrew for the time being, and we are making our first steps in acquiring users. Tutors need to create public profile with skills, location and pricing, plus a descriptive introduction that represents their personal voice. Users that own a profile can share it over social networks.
How to get a user to invest in creating a representative profile – a task that sometimes can be grasped as annoying? Demographics and skills selection (out of a structured list) were not expected to be perceived as demanding tasks in nature. In contrast, composing one’s own personal voice and deciding about tutoring-fees to be published on the internet, require more thought and creativity which means higher mental effort.
Evolution programmed us to save energy in order to survive, and mental effort cost energy. As a result, humans tend to invest mental effort only on things they are committed to for some reason or another. The good news is that it’s easy to engage user to something of interest to them by providing a small benefit to minor investment; when the user is already engaged to some extent, investments and benefits can be gradually increased. We implemented this approach when designing the tutor’s onboarding funnel. The analysis process and the outcome UI are given in the presentation.